Conversations about Swara IVR: Jitendra from Hyderabad India

Jitendra Singh(Hyderabad, India)
Any quick pointers on setting up IVR on an Indian phone line ?

Anoop Saha
You can use our open source software of Swara.
To phone callers, Swara presents a 2 way Interactive Voice Response that the user navigates using the number keys on their phone.

Jitendra Singh
Is there someone who can help us set this up quickly? Simple menu, just need to record the caller-id

Anoop Saha
Should be easy to setup. Check the link at Since this is free and open source, you will need a bit more patience. This was developed and maintained by Arjun Venkatraman. He is the best person to help you.

In order to install Swara, you need to be reasonably proficient with Linux

Jitendra Singh
This doesn’t explain how to connect a phone to the system .. 😐 .. sent a friend invite to Arjun

Gaurav Vaish
Talk to Aaditeshwar… they did a lot of stuff for Gramvani.

Anoop Saha
Yes aadi is a good person to help you. Usually the devices have a USB port to connect to the laptop.

Arjun Venkatraman
Suggest use a softphone to test and dev first and when all is done, you can pick up a Matrix SETU ATA 211G from Matrix Telecom and Security…can give you the dealer’s details. That will give you one line of connectivity. If its a non production deployment you can also use a Huawei Series 17XX. The GSM gateway plugs straight into the sip architecture, let me know what error you get when it connects and will see if I can help.

Arjun Venkatraman
Makes no sense to buy hardware pre-production when the stubs work so well.

Jitendra Singh
Thanks Arjun. Our setup is very simple, we know how to configure asterisk to do the job, need to know how to get the phone line into asterisk

Arjun Venkatraman
check out sip.conf in the source download (should be under /swara/conf)…that has the settings for a sip device that should work with any SIP gateway

Jitendra Singh
Thanks Arjun, found a Huawei 1731 dongle .. will setup and see how it goes.. thanks..

Arjun Venkatraman
the huawei will need for one you need some tinkering…for one you need to switch back to asterisk 1.6.13 or .23, one of those two…plus the USB frequently drops DTMF recognition…just so you know…

Arjun Venkatraman
Jitendra SinghMind if I share this conversation on the Mojolab site? We are short on documentation and your willingness to share your conversation will help us save time and other people effort

Jitendra Singh
ok, will any pci modem give us SIP endpoint? Also, please share the cost and dealer contact for Matrix.. in a hurry ..

Arjun Venkatraman
There is a sample up on the site now if you want to see how I mean.

Jitendra Singh
sure .. plz go ahead and share it ..

Arjun Venkatraman
The MAtrix device is about 6500 and I will direct message you the dealer details.

Jitendra Singh
will the sim card that comes with airtel dongle work? does it allow incoming calls?

Arjun Venkatraman
Jitendra, on balance I think you’re best served picking up a GSM gateway, since your usecase seems quite clear to you. I have sent you a phone number for the matrix dealer. Please feel free to reference me.

Arjun Venkatraman
On PCI modems…why by a PCI card when you can do with a device that you can connect on LAN

1 thought on “Conversations about Swara IVR: Jitendra from Hyderabad India”

  1. Hi Arjun,

    I have installed Swara server as described in this page on a desktop running ubuntu 11.10 and is installed perfectly. Now while configuring it with Matrix ATA 211G, can you pls guide what configuration to do on the Matrix adapter to work with Swara.

    Saubhik Roy

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